This game reminds me of my first old computer huhu where are you now? Still in pentium 1 but someone denied and told me that it was 0,75 hahahaha. Skip---- Pacman was one of my games that I like the most. It was about the Pacman who should eat the white ball while beating the Blinky, Pinky, Inkey, and Clyde. Wow I still remember my enemiesss! Hahahaa. Oya, I putted Pacman Games on my Blog. Lately, I've been trying to beat unknown names in higscore. I don't know who, but they had already stored in the Highscore before I added to my blog. And the result, I still in a stuck on Level 4,and the score was 8,278. Guess whaaaat, the highest score is 211,440. So how do I can beat them? Aaaaaaaaargh, it was hundred times for trying,really! Because of my failure, I decide to change the Pacman game with another one. Byeeeeeee Pacmaaaan :)